The List!!!


Cast/Crew List - Much Ado About Nothing

Thank you, all!  A wonderful week so far, with more soon to come!


You’ve done such a great job this week with your heart and fun, your good nature and energy, that you’ve made this very challenging. As happens frequently in the auditions, most roles had multiple people in contention until the bitter end, and y’all should be beyond proud of yourselves!!!

All Actors and Stage Mgmt/ASMs listed below should be ready to attend the MANDATORY rehearsal Monday (tomorrow, 1/8), and should begin reading through the perusal script here on the blog to get a handle on their roles…we dive in directly.


Standard house comments apply to the great folks who put their names forward…and what a good turnout!  For all assigned to Run Crew or House Crew: These roles will see folks assigned to a variety of show-necessary tasks once we reach Tech Week.  There is no way at this stage to know how many tasks will be necessary to set up, run, and strike each night the front of house or backstage (both part of the prospective assignment).  We may ultimately have too many…or not enough crew members.  If you commit to going forward on the Run/House Crews, be prepared to be very flexible in what you expect to do each night…there’s just no way to predict.

CAST OR CREW: If you have viewed the post, and accept your role on the show (onstage or offstage), please fill out this Google Form here or at the QR Code below before 300p Monday, 1/8.  Let’s do this!

Dramatis Personae 


Don Pedro ……………………………..         Ian LaFrenz

Leonato…………………………………… Abby Powell

Don John ………………………………… Jenny Goan

Claudio …………………………………… Oliver Villareal 

Benedick …………………………………  Orie Zadok

Antonio …………………………………… Kale Ramsay 

Balthasar …………………………………. Jackson Unflat

Borachio ………………………………….. Aspen Trout

Conrad ……………………………………. Savy Carey

Dogberry …………………………………. Giuseppe Lipari

Verges ……………………………………. Jane Henson

Seacole …………………………………… Sunny L. Press

Otecake …………………………………… Arlo Austin

Friar Francis ……………………………… Max Eagle

Hero ……………………………………..… Shaelyn Gallagher

Beatrice …………………………………… Sivan Safran

Margaret …………………………….……. Sabina McMahon 

Ursula …………………………………….. Katelyn Rashleigh

Sexton …………………………………….. Perses Cooke

Messenger ……………………………….. Shalom Dinberg

First Watchman / Reveler …..…………. Elyanna Del Rosario

Second Watchman / Attendant ….…… Bella Malynowski

Scaena Administratione / Cantavit 


ASSOC. STAGE MGR.             Eloise Fleschner

APPRENTICE STAGE MGRS./     Koji Tsugawa, Felix Hendrickson


SCENIC LEAD                             Maddie Laboe

SCENIC ARTISANS                     Ana Wittenveen, Baxter Ellis, Katie Merkel

COSTUME LEAD                     Trillium Huey

COSTUME ARTISAN                     Elijah Reaves, Maddie Brooks

COSTUME APPRENTICE             Lucy Leisenring

HAIR/MAKEUP LEAD             Maddie Brooks


SOUND LEAD                             Baxter Ellis

SOUND APPRENTICE             Milo Rod

LIGHTING LEADS                     Katie Merkel, Sebastian Evens

LIGHTING APPRENTICE             Milo Rod

BUSINESS LEAD                     Addison Feld-Gore

RUN/HOUSE CREWS             Katie Merkel, Baxter Ellis, Maddie Laboe, Brendan Rashleigh, 

                                                    Milo Rod


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