
And away we go!

The blog for our upcoming Much Ado About Nothing is up and ready to go!  Both Petrocchi and I are super excited about the show and its potential...going to be a great experience!

Here are some early pertinents:

1) The production copy of the script is available in the link in the sidebar.  This is a custom edition, and it will behoove every auditioning actor to familiarize yourselves with the play.

2) The audition packet is also available in its link in the sidebar.  BOTH ACTORS AND NON-ACTORS SHOULD READ THE PACKET FOR SHOW INFORMATION (subtle wasn't it).  While only actors need to submit this paperwork to be considered for the show, everyone involved should know the key info.

3) The Lead/Artisan/Apprentice/Crew Application is now a Google Form.  It is available, you guessed it, in its link in the sidebar

4) A Remind is already available for information about the show: either text @ibwmuchado to 81010, or click the following link:

5) Auditions are scheduled to start on January 3rd.  See you after the holiday break!

- jm


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